EPCC RISC-V testbed team
EPCC RISC-V testbed team


  • Policies

This policy applies to personal data about users of the testbed. It relates to data gathered on the testbed itself. The details that you provide on registration are stored in the SAFE and will be processed according to the SAFE data privacy policy.

We may store details of any aspects of testbed use, including, for example, the amount of processor time and storage space used by user accounts. This may include some personally identifiable data such as the network addresses you use to connect to the system. We will use this information to help us manage and administer the testbed, to review, analyse and improve its performance, security, its patterns of use, and to plan for the future.

This information will be available to appropriate members of the staff who are working on the testbed. Resource usage across the testbed is published on the website and will be reported on in public reports.

Periodically, the testbed may be examined by auditors. These may see your personal data and they will be acting under conditions of professional confidentiality.

We reserve the right to monitor use of the testbed by your accounts, including anything transmitted over the Internet, and any data or software stored on our systems, in order to ensure that you and all the other users are complying with the Terms and Conditions of Access and not breaking the law. We must allow any court or other competent authority to inspect our records of your use of the testbed, or your data, and to take copies of it, if this is legally required; and we must report your activities to the competent authorities if we know or suspect that you are breaking the law. These are legal obligations for us.

We may retain the data that we gather on the system for the duration of the testbed. Data that could be used to identify you directly will not be retained longer than two years after the end of the testbed.

If you have any questions about the treatment of your personal data, please email riscv-testbed@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk